Employee Spotlight
Meet Duane Mack
We are back again with our Employee Spotlight. For those of you new to this, we choose a Beyondsoft employee and ask them questions about their role in the company, as well as a few “just for fun” questions, so our readers get the chance to learn more about the incredible people who make up our team. This month, we are featuring Duane Mack.

Marketing: Hi, Duane! Thanks for taking the time to let us learn a bit more about you. To start, can you tell us how long you have been with Beyondsoft and what your role entails?
Duane: Hi! I’m happy to be here. I’ve been with the company for about a year and a half. I’m a Senior Sales Executive under SABG, focused on Engineering Services.
Marketing: What is your favorite part about the job?
Duane: I would say that it’s the opportunity I get to engage with different clients and solve their most significant issues. I also enjoy getting to interact with my BCI teammates!
Marketing: Before working at Beyondsoft, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
Duane: In my early 20’s I was in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, working for a seafood company. I was doing QC work, mainly on a floating processor. We spent most of our time in the Bering Sea, up near the Pribilof Islands. Amazing adventure!
Marketing: Oh, wow. That does sound like an adventure! What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
Duane: Painting (artwork).
Marketing: What’s a fun fact about you that most people may not know?
Duane: Not sure how much of the “hockey thing” is not known anymore. Since I was seven years old, I’ve played Ice Hockey, primarily in WA State and Western Canada, and still playing for those who don’t know. Also, I have a degree in Visual Communications.
Marketing: It’s great you are still playing! Okay, what is your favorite place in the world?
Duane: Anderson Island (where we currently live) Second runner up, Amsterdam.
Marketing: It’s pretty lucky to live in your favorite place. Speaking of luck, do you have a motto or personal mantra?
Duane: Not sure if it’s my mantra, but a quote that I like any try and live by “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” – William Shakespeare
Marketing: What advice would you give younger you?
Duane: Clean your room!
Marketing: That’s good advice, actually! If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Duane: Bobby Orr, one of the greatest hockey defensemen to ever lace up the boots. I’ve always tried to be an “Offensive Defenseman” like him, able to not only defend but carry the puck down the ice and score.
Marketing: What is your favorite past Halloween costume?
Duane: Batman (when I was a kid) came in a box, plastic, highly flammable costume, no prefrail vision in the mask…it was great!
Marketing: Did you dress up this year? If so – what did you go as?
Duane: Yes, Dia de Muertos
Marketing: Okay, recommendation time: Is there anything you are currently loving and want to share? This can be a podcast, book, tv show, music, activity … you name it!
Duane: Music: Foo Fighters (see them live.) TV: (Netflix Documentaries) Just watched: Athlete A and RBG. Both excellent.
Marketing: Thanks for letting us get to know more about you Duane! To read more of our Employee Spotlights click here.


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