Employee Spotlight
Meet Nicholas Cook
For our February Employee Spotlight, Nick was nominated and will be highlighted in today’s interview:

Marketing: Hi Nick! We can call you that right? Congratulations on being the February Employee Spotlight. Let’s get right in. Can you tell us a little bit about your education and background?
Nick: Yeah of course! I have a Bachelor’s in Mathematics and am almost complete with my MSIT with a focus area of Data Management and Analytics. Prior to Beyondsoft, I spent seven years working for the Department of Defense (DoD) where I worked for the Navy, my first three years with DoD were spent mostly traveling. I spent 6 months in Norfolk, Virginia, almost a year in San Diego, California, and another year in Yokosuka, Japan.
After that I took an Instructor position where I was charged with monitoring and maintain the level of knowledge for all Radiological Control Technicians on the west coast as well as updating, maintaining, streamlining the training records database. During this time, I developed multiple tools to help stream line the training and records keeping process. I was also a part of the Radiological Emergency Response Operation (RERO) team which is tasked with being prepared to command and control the situations that could occur in the unlikely event of a nuclear accident.
Marketing: Looks like you have quite the experience under your belt. Alright next question how long have you been with Beyondsoft? Can you tell us more about your role with BCI?
Nick: I have been with Beyondsoft since June 2018. During my time here, I have spent nearly all of time working of ATOM.
Marketing: Interesting, for those that are not aware of what ATOM is, can you give us some insight into what that’s been like and what it is?
Nick: Working on ATOM has been an enjoyable challenge. ATOM is focused on providing clients a better way to handle service desk and command center issues by providing an all-in-one tool that can combine and streamline client’s current processes. ATOM is also focused on decreasing the time required for clients to identify issues by monitoring multiple input sources such as social media. Given the scope of what ATOM is meant to accomplish, the development process has and still is full of new challenges that help keep my day to day work interesting and unique.
Marketing: That is exciting we’ll be looking forward to the final product of ATOM, where do you want to see the tool go?
Nick: Ideally, I would like to see ATOM become the industry standard for service desk and command center applications.
Marketing: Alright so we’ve bugged you enough about work, let’s ask you some fun questions. Which one would you want the most – flying cars, robot housekeepers, or moon cities?
Nick: Flying cars, without a doubt. I would love to be able to avoid traffic.
Marketing: You are definitely not alone there Nick, so what is your guilty pleasure TV show?
Nick: Planet Earth
Marketing: It’s awesome to watch and explore other places around the world right where you are. Now are you a dog person or a cat person?
Nick: Cat person
Marketing: We’ve got one last question for you. Would you rather wake up in the middle of an unknown forest or wake up in a row boat on an unknown body of water? And how would you find your way back to familiar territory?
Nick: If the goal is to find my way back to familiar territory, then I would go with an unknown forest. I would start walking south, try to find some water along the way, and look for signs of civilization.
Thanks Nick! Everyone else, be sure to stay tuned for March’s Employee Spotlight.
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