Employee Spotlight

Meet Peiming Yu

We are back again with our Employee Spotlight. Each month, we choose a Beyondsoft employee and ask them questions about their role in the company, as well as a few “just for fun” questions, so our readers get the chance to learn more about the awesome people who make up our team. This month, we are featuring a member of our recruiting team, Peiming Yu!

Marketing: Hi Peiming, we’re glad you’re able to take the time to answer some interview questions for us. Let’s start with getting to know you, can you tell us a little bit about your education and background?

Peiming: No problem at all! I graduated with a Master in International Studies at UW, and my research topic was women and gender minorities in modern Chinese society.

Marketing: Another Husky Alumni, you are not alone here at the Bellevue branch. So, why did you want to work in recruiting?

Peiming: I wanted to bring diversity in recruiting.

Marketing: We know different people connect with different recruiters, so it’s good to hear that. What’s one of the most valuable things you’ve learned through your career?

Peiming: The most important thing I learned is thinking out of the box. My manager and colleagues are all very encouraging and supportive and they taught me how recruiting could be done differently. They talk about various ways I could build my candidate pipelines, advertise our company and, op- portunities we have. It is not only helpful for my career in recruiting, but also allows me to start thinking about different possibilities when I face a task or problem in life.

Marketing: That’s a great talent to acquire in today’s age, with everything moving so quickly you’ll need to be able to do things out of the ordinary to get the job done. Next question, what’s your favorite part about recruiting employees for Beyondsoft?

Peiming: As a newcomer in recruiting, Beyondsoft provides me a bigger platform to learn and grow essential skills for recruiting. Also I get a chance to work on various cutting-edge technologies to allow me to keep up with the pace of the fast development in the tech industry.

Marketing: Here at Beyondsoft, there are different opportunities for every- one to grow in the industry that’s what makes us unique. Let’s say someone was looking to apply for Beyondsoft now, what advice would you give to a job applicant?

Peiming: I would say the most important thing is to “Be bold”. Be bold to reach out to recruiters and be bold to showcase yourself and what you are capable of. Only in this way, the recruiter will remember you, or at least have the impression that you are interested in the opportunity. If they don’t have a good fit now, they might remember you and reach out to you later for other opportunities.

Marketing: We would have to agree with you about that. There a lot of appli- cants out there looking to get hired for the same job. Being able to stand out in a good way or remembered by the recruiter is crucial as you mentioned. Some people are always on the hunt for the next best opportunity, what is something that would surprise people about the recruiting process?

Peiming: I guess it might be the speed of the hiring process. Sometimes the hiring process can be done like in a blink of an eye, and everyone is moving fast. At some points it could be dragging along for a long time. I think most people would expect a general 2-4 weeks of the hiring process, so when the time came people were surprised that they got hired, they might also be con- fused by why the hiring process takes so long.

Marketing: It would also depend on the company and position, with manage- ment position we’d assume a little longer time to make sure all the creden- tials are there. Some states are opening up, what is the first thing you plan on doing after this quarantine?

Peiming: I planned on going to Utah and visiting the Great Salt Lake earlier this year. But I would probably head on a trip after this quarantine ends.

Marketing: Well please let us know how it is over and take lots of pictures to share. Throughout your career what accomplishment are you most proud of?

Peiming: I’ve learned a lot after joined Beyondsoft, and with a very support- ive environment. I am more confident in asking for help from my manager and my colleagues, and which helped me grow further.

Marketing: Yes the managers at Beyondsoft are always helpful and looking for ways to make our employee’s jobs easier. We just have one last question for you, what is your biggest pet peeve?

Peiming: An untidy/unorganized environment or space.

Thanks Peiming! Everyone else, be sure to stay tuned for our next Employee Spotlight!

How we do it

Our success factors over the years are a testament to driving your return on investment. Singapore is our global head office and we have 15 regional offices around the world.

Three decades of strong IT consulting and services

Global presence across four continents

Certifications* in CMMI 5, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and ISO 27001

~30,000 global experts

Microsoft Azure Expert MSP

ISO 9001 and 45001 (certificates issued to Beyondsoft International (Singapore) Pte Ltd). ISO 27001 (certificates issued to Beyondsoft International (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Beyondsoft (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., and Beyondsoft Consulting Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA)